Blog Archive

Monday, May 5, 2008

Grand canyon 08

Last week I got to spend a couple days at a remarkable place. The Grand Canyon. It lives up to its name too. Eddie and I hiked alot but not to the bottom. Although, we have decided next year we are going to get in shape for it and do it.

It had the same affect on me as the ocean I noticed. It made me cry the first time I saw it and it was very hard to leave. I took 126 pics of this place. None of them are the same.
I will post some of the other pics on another post as I still DONT know what the hell I am doing on this blog and I didnt even pick these particular pics.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sleeping Angels

Being "NaNa" is the most wonderful experience I can NOT even begin to go into it. How you fall madly inlove with these lil people that you didnt give birth too is beyond me but you do. It is like your chance to do everything RIGHT that you did WRONG as a parent or at least try.

These two are a hand full but I love them more then life and would do anything in the world for them....they are truely my "Sleeping Angels"


Well another birthday has come and gone.....Zoee , my grand daughter, and I share birthdays in March. Hers is March 10th and mine is March 14th. This was her birthday party at Texas roadhouse she had a blast riding that thing.

Then Eddie and I took her to Benihana to celebrate our Bdays together. She was so excited to watch them cook our food at our table that she barely ate LOL.

We then went to build-a-bear where she built a dog actually and named it.....what else....Zoee... all in all she had a great bday and there is no one else in the world I would rather celebrate with then her.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

more snowy pics

its purty but its cold..............I'm ready for spring and my pool ;-)

Snow in Brown County

Ok so I was really sick of snow but I do have to admit.......This is Beautiful!!!!! I say if its gonna snow .....SNOW BIG THEN DAMMIT!!!!! It aint snow if you dont get a foot well we got a foot and it is still coming dog looks like a jack rabbit in it I will get a pic of that later and put on are some more pics of beautiful, snowy brown county
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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Being healthy

I have now been working out for a lil over two months and I am starting to physically see the effects....or affects....oh whatever...of them but still I wonder.

When the hell will I start getting the buzz from the workouts cuz I hate them!?!?!?!

I have to admit that after I finish I feel great but getting myself to do them and during I am like ugh and then this song drifts thru my mind....."The old gray mare she aint what she used to be, aint what she used to be, aint what she used to be" as my damn joints and muscles seem to endlessly hurt.

I just hope it gets better cuz it feels like its killing me LOL . But I love the results!!

BTW here is a cool pic I took of our black cat Lucky today. He was entranced by the birdies outside.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A dog and her bath

Just wanted to show how much my dog Agatha hates her bath.....poor thing lol

6 months

Since there is no Feb. 30, then I guess today is the day I will celebrate 6 months of no smoking Cigarettes. I am now off Chantix and its all my will power keeping me off the lil demon sticks now. That drug is a wonderful thing but I do have to remember. It only helps with the really difficult withdraw period. Now the rest of my life is up to me. I must remember one thing and I cant stress this more to myself or anyone out there who may be thinking of quitting or in the middle of quitting smoking. NEVER EVER EVER PICK UP THE FIRST CIGARETTE. We as nicotine addicts can never have just one cigarette. That is the most insane thought we could ever have and we must remember that is the disease talking to us. One leads to another and another leads to a pack a day. Just the way it is. I am the anti smoking Nazi now .......I have to be to keep myself off of them I gotta do what I gotta do for me and so far its working. So anyone out there who needs or wants to quit smoking....try Chantix it really works....makes ya belly hurt a bit but hey its better then heart disease or cancer.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

First time

Well hello to whoever may happen upon this here blog. This is my first blog and I am so proud of it. Ha! Just liked my brother and sister in law's so well that I decided I would try my hand at it. I hope to get Eddie to post on it as well. Maybe he will be a movie critic or something. Anyway I have the most wonder movie of my late cat PeeWee if I can figure out how to get it on here. Peewee passed almost 4 weeks ago. He was really sick. He lived almost 14 long years and had a good life.... on that note I will close my first posting on my new blog.